
Resolved: Muslim immigration is no threat to the West

posted on March 4, 2014

By Doug Saunders, The Globe and Mail | Link to Article

By Doug Saunders, The Globe and Mail | Link to Article

Are immigrants from Muslim-majority countries bringing violence and incompatible values to Canada and other Western countries, or are they following the same integration patterns as earlier waves of religious-minority immigrants?

That question was at the centre of this debate organized by the Ottawa-based Macdonald-Laurier Institute. It took at its starting point the book The Myth of the Muslim Tide by Globe and Mail columnist Doug Saunders, which uses research and historical data to examine claims made by opponents of Muslim immigration, and pitted them against one of the most outspoken of those opponents, University of Western Ontario professor Salim Mansur, author of the books Islam’s Predicament: Perspectives of a Dissident Muslim and Delectable Lie: A Liberal Repudiation of Multiculturalism. The debate was presented before a live audience in Ottawa.

The debate’s resolution: “Muslim immigration is no threat to Canada or the West.” Mr. Saunders is arguing for it, Mr. Mansur against. Here are their opening statements.